Collection: Special occasion - Pregnancy

Discover our collection of posters to announce a pregnancy at FLTMfrance, an original and moving way to share the wonderful news with your family, friends and loved ones.

Our bestselling pregnancy announcement posters are designed to capture the joy and excitement of this unique moment, with tender messages, sweet illustrations and customizable designs that celebrate the start of a new adventure.

Whether you want to make the announcement in an intimate way or during a big reveal, these posters offer a creative palette to express your happiness. With options ranging from delicate silhouettes of expectant mothers, to little booties symbolizing the arrival of a newborn, to calendars marking the countdown to the due date, each poster is a celebration of life and love.

These creations are perfect for capturing that special moment and sharing it in a unique way. They can be framed as a memorable keepsake of this precious time, or used to creatively break the news on social media or during an in-person announcement. Explore our range to find the poster that will allow you to tell the world "We're expecting a baby!" with style, emotion and originality.