1989 birth year poster - 35th birthday gift
1989 birth year poster - 35th birthday gift
Vintage poster 1989 - Celebrate 35 years in style - Anniversary poster FLTMfrance
Relive the memories of 1989 with our vintage poster, the perfect gift for an unforgettable 35th birthday! Made by FLTMfrance, this personalized poster captures the essence of the year of birth with an elegant and retro touch. Ideal for birthday party decoration, this printable poster is a unique addition to any interior. Celebrate a special person’s 35th birthday with a work of art that stands the test of time. Perfect for vintage lovers, this poster is more than just a gift, it's a piece of history. Order now for a birthday gift that will always be remembered!
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L affiche d anniversaire de mon petit-fils etait parfaite. Il est arrive a l heure. Mon fils et ma belle-fille ont adore.